really great collection of interconnected poems

Nate Lowman the Natroit Act

'Saunter is a companion to Questions of Travel,
It engages with similar ideas, albeit from a different perspective,
and interweaves them with images of work that has been shown in the Gallery's recent exhibitions.'
all 3 books are worth checking out, not to mention that they make some beautiful publications for their exhibitions.
this is one of those books that i will reread again & again
a mediation on the colour blue and life in general
more philosophy than poetry but not at the same time
like a one-sided conversation your happy just to listen to
another wonderful book by Tao Lin, a loosely hidden autobiographical book about the love affair between 'haley joel osment' & 'dakota fanning'.
Lin writes about the now in the now using the now
minimal use of language but everything gets said that needs to.
'everything is fucked' but thats is okay.
cheese beast.
another book for writers or people that read a lot, also this is experimental fiction at its best.
a book that is about itself and more.
you can get it from Sator Press for a limited offer of name your price $1 or more so do get it.
this is the 1st DFW i have read, it was pretty great collection of short stories, bar one story that i didnt
really like. the novella at the end (over 100 pages is a lil long for a short story) was the one i enjoyed the most.
he feels like a writer for people who write or read a lot, i will be reading more for sure.
really great primer on classical music from 1890 on
the later half of the book was my favourite part
id love if this area was expanded into a new book
as he's a great writer.
reasons why im glad i didnt grow up in the US, this book.
the destruction of a generation of children is documented
really well in this crime story.

its like an updated and more 'mature' version of crackpot.
it also makes me wanna buy Comme des Garçons clothes and see his art collection

life is dark and she not afraid to show it.

her poem in a recent Paris Review made me get this and her new

Columbine by Dave Cullen great at debunking all the myths surrounding this shooting, also interesting to see that it was the first major school shooting that was covered live by the media and how the story changed because of them.

go check it out! i found out about it here.

BEE back again and is it just me or is he getting better and better? lots of people didnt like this that much or Lunar Park but i think they're were both great.

he states that he 'tells no lies but also thinks there no truth.'
pretty great read even if you havent read any of his books
and an amazing insight if you have.