My new tape is out on Cylindrical Habitat Modules
below are some of the other releases out on this new batch
for pics of all the new releases look here
sorry its already sold out at the label!?! : )
some distros may have it soon.
Forty-Sixth Module: Evelyn War- A Darker Definition C40

'Killer set of left-field synth exploration from Ireland's Jonathan Mayhew AKA Evelyn War. A few releases in but relatively unknown to myself until now, Mayhew produces a haunting set of cosmic tones with a very Schulze-y vibe. Killer sonic tundra jams with plenty of unexpected changes and a super on-point sense of atmospherics. Hopefully there's plenty more to come from this project. Edition of 40.'
Forty-Ninth Module: Imaginary Softwoods- Nine C16

Brief, refreshing suite from John Elliott's (Emeralds, Mist, Outer Space, etc...) Imaginary Softwoods project, and definitely a new direction for the project. "Nine" finds John navigating the woods with four short, clear, sparkling pieces that build and swell gorgeously. Perfectly paced and ornately textured synthesizer brilliance. Extra limited edition of 50 with fold-out covers and transparent blue tapes.
Thirty-Ninth Module: Pulse Emitter- Spiritual Vistas LP

Incomparable new full-length from Daryl Groetsch's Pulse Emitter project, and HANDS DOWN album of the year, already. I want to say this is the culmination and apogee of composed synthesizer music in the new millennium, but I guarantee Daryl's got plenty more tricks up his sleeve. The profound development of Daryl's music is more and more apparent with each release, from the crackly, hollow modular nightmares of his early sides to the heartbreakingly beautiful tonal architecture of "Spiritual Vistas", each key and each turn of a knob is a giant stride for the genre as a whole. Bringing to mind some mid-period David Borden at times, or Vangelis' Blade Runner score, this is truly transcendental, emotive music. No joke, Pulse Emitter solidifies itself as the best of the best with this colossal album. The result of almost a year's work, Daryl reduces all of his one-take, live to a tape deck competitors (myself included) to almost nothing. Four deeply contemplated, brilliantly composed analog symphonies that could literally be played for any music fan. It's almost impossible for me not to toss around bold proclamations when talking about this album, but really, this is pretty much as good as it gets. Split release with EXPANSIVE, edition of 500 on black vinyl.
Fifty-Fourth Module: Moth Cock- In Pursuit of Carmichael's Hoagie C30

Two live Moth Cock sides, captured in Cleveland and Pittsburgh in November 2010. This tape marks two missed opportunities for myself (was supposed to play with them the night of the Cleveland gig but got held up at work; was supposed to go with them to Pittsburgh and celebrate my 20th bday but ended up getting sick) that i'm almost glad I missed for the sake of these amazing sets. An excellent picture of the best band in Ohio currently. Vast, organic sound portals opened with horns, strings and actual magic. Best dudes ever. Edition of 80, art by Pat.
Fortieth Module: Daniel Isaac- The Heavens Had No Light C40
Forty-First Module: Daniel Isaac- Drum and Voice CDR

Debut tape from my favorite new Ohio jammer, Columbus' Daniel Isaac. Apparently these are his first recordings EVER, which is absolutely mind-blowing to say the least. Don't really know where to start with describing this one, other than it totally shut my brain down the first time I checked it out. Completely HIGH-BROW synthesizer music, truly classy, classy stuff. High-brow as in, this could be the soundtrack to the new dark Spielberg movie or something, really. Synthesizer music as in, a full orchestra, not just a kid recording some synth tracks for the first time, just INSANE. Kind of in the "On Land" zone.. Deeply composed, building, "god I wish i thought of that" melodies, clearly representing a deep understanding of composition and structure. Just too stoked about this one, one of the nicest dudes around, really glad to be putting out his first jams, swear in five years this kid will be working on the new Scorsese score or composing ringtones for Verizon or something. Also scope the "Drum and Voice" CDR in this batch, LP on Cylindrical later this year. Edition of 80.
Counter-release to the "The Heavens Had No Light" C40 in this very batch, and just as essential. Favorite new Ohio jammer. This set is a bit more abstract than the aforementioned cassette, a suite of insanely disorienting meditations shimmering under the compact disc stratum. Apparently this set was recorded strictly using effected vocals and a broken snare drum... WHAT?? As with the cassette, this sounds like a full orchestra, maybe getting weird and busting some spare-time brilliance after they finished the Blood Diamond soundtrack or something, ha.. Don't know how this kid does it, but see the tape description for further praise. Again, scope "The Heavens Had No Light" C40, LP on Cylindrical late 2011. Edition of 40.
Forty-Fifth Module: White Prism- Reappear C34

Phenomenal set of outer-limits synthesizer music from Ben Billington (Quicksails, Tiger Hatchery....) and Josh Burke (Sky Limousine, etc.). Definitely their spaciest outing yet, and one of the best tapes from this batch. White Prism continues their winning streak (after the EXCELLENT field studies tape last year) and builds on their foundation with two side-long pieces that paint an abstract, utopian logan's run reality for the listener. They have this amazing, almost "straightforward" style that just makes this tape so LISTENABLE; there are plenty of beautiful, fluid changes and tastefully sprinkled textures. Everything is in EXACTLY the right place, but nothing is predictable or stale. Side A explores deeper interplanetary float, even getting into killer Raicevic territories at times (the ten-minute mark on this side kills me every time) and Side B is more of a sparkling tapestry of almost new age-y warmth. Overall an amazing tape to keep coming back to. Edition of 100 on transparent red tapes
LPS: $15 US/$25 WORLD
CDR: $8 US/$10 WORLD
the new releases
Thirty-Seventh Module: Heated Void- Mirror Cubes C20
Thirty-Eighth Module: Isle of Sodor- Double Vision C30
Thirty-Ninth Module: Pulse Emitter- Spiritual Vistas LP
Fortieth Module: Daniel Isaac- The Heavens Had No Light C40
Forty-First Module: Daniel Isaac- Drum and Voice CDR
Forty-Second Module: Prisoners- Pass the Stone C33
Forty-Fourth Module: Mutation in the Gryd- Chromageddon C40
Forty-Fifth Module: White Prism- Reappear C34
Forty-Sixth Module: Evelyn War- A Darker Definition C40
Forty-Seventh Module: Revok- Discography C15
Forty-Eighth Module: Adema- Dream Cord C30
Forty-Ninth Module: Imaginary Softwoods- Nine C16
Fifty-Second Module: Toby Aronson- Sensations C20
Fifty-Third Module: Comet Bodies- Obsidian Cartridge CDR
Fifty-Fourth Module: Moth Cock- In Pursuit of Carmichael's Hoagie C30
Fifty-Sixth Module: Comet Bodies- Live C30
Thirty-Eighth Module: Isle of Sodor- Double Vision C30
Thirty-Ninth Module: Pulse Emitter- Spiritual Vistas LP
Fortieth Module: Daniel Isaac- The Heavens Had No Light C40
Forty-First Module: Daniel Isaac- Drum and Voice CDR
Forty-Second Module: Prisoners- Pass the Stone C33
Forty-Fourth Module: Mutation in the Gryd- Chromageddon C40
Forty-Fifth Module: White Prism- Reappear C34
Forty-Sixth Module: Evelyn War- A Darker Definition C40
Forty-Seventh Module: Revok- Discography C15
Forty-Eighth Module: Adema- Dream Cord C30
Forty-Ninth Module: Imaginary Softwoods- Nine C16
Fifty-Second Module: Toby Aronson- Sensations C20
Fifty-Third Module: Comet Bodies- Obsidian Cartridge CDR
Fifty-Fourth Module: Moth Cock- In Pursuit of Carmichael's Hoagie C30
Fifty-Sixth Module: Comet Bodies- Live C30