routines and dull obligations of every day life. I’m jaded with the
order of things. I think I‘ve begun to develop wrist tendonitis. I
need to a break – I need to retire from the world and gain some
Those cassettes you borrowed haven’t helped at all? You really should
commit to focusing on all that is wonderful within and around you. Take
special notice of all the blessings in your life – the sky, the trees, good
friends, good food, a compliment, a helping hand, or whatever riches are
put before you!
Nothing is working. Not the cassettes, not the books. Not even this
new dietary regime.
Then I advise you visit Whispering Pines. It’s a parti-colored, hypnotic
refuge from the reality you find so exhausting. It’s an enchanted haven of
naive consumption and insulated security. It’s the zone in which your
quest for deeper meaning and higher purpose can truly begin.
So happiness will find me in Whispering Pines?
Most certainly! Once you equip yourself with the appropriate totems, you
will be secure on your journey to self-improvement. Just take a look at
Cynthia – she already lives there. Like a mystical knight in armor, Cynthia
makes her surroundings serene with instruments of new faith.
Dreamcatchers illuminated indoor fountains, healing crystals and plasma
lamps transform her residence into a soothing environment that
resonates with the sound of nature while cocooning her from the outside
Wow! But, wait... why does Cynthia need protection? There seem
to be no signs of threat in Whispering Pines. Like a fairy story, it
doesn’t connect to the fears of today: there‘s no climate change,
no terrorism, no financial crisis.
The fantastic universe Cynthia inhabits is almost no different from that in
which the rest of us live. But she’s learnt the valuable lesson that
happiness and contentment are an inside job. Thaumaturgy lies within
the trinkets upon her shelf. She punctuates her solitary days with enigma
and mystery, lulling herself with esoteric theories and rituals, and
considering in depth the possibility that she may possess the Second
Sight. The outside world is as dangerous for Cynthia as it is for you or I.
After all, that is where she lost her cat.
I understand. Cynthia loves animals. And a recreative
escape has got to include a bonding to nature. I mean,
don’t the elements have a healing effect of their own?
Yes they do, and Cynthia finds healing properties in the merging of
rudimentary forces of nature like water, earth, animal, body. Every day for
Cynthia brings a new process of metamorphosis. Sometimes she
becomes so enraptured by otherworldly energy she just has to dance! It’s
in these spells of entranced ecstasy that Cynthia gains insight into the
true nature of things.
I can see that there is much that is familiar to me in Cynthia’s
videotape but still, there are moments that make me uncomfortable.
Her world seems so unreal, like the thin-walled set for TV soap.
When she dances, Cynthia disintegrates into psychedelic colours –
even her interior decor possesses an independent life of its own.
Most confusing of all is the disconnection between what I see and
what I hear. It seems Cynthia’s world is deconstructed.
Right, but temporary disorientation is a small price to pay for a
transcendental experience that is itself imbued with the powers to heal
and enhance Mind, Body and Soul. In Whispering Pines you will
experience an epiphany that will show you how to recognize the Nirvana
behind every door. You will be immersed in the kaleidoscopic spectacle of
a Magic Eye realm with rhythms to revive you. You will be furnished with
all the tools needed to achieve contentment, including explanations of the
meanings of colors, and manuals for success and Palmistry. Charlatanry
does not exist in Whispering Pines, and the Age of Aquarius – now more
affordable than ever before – will bring you infinite intelligence and
change your life forever. Overcome your fears and move to a world where
there is only joyful visuality, and remember: SAY YES TO THE UNIVERSE
Moore /Guenther/2009
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